Thursday, September 8, 2011

Am I British, Love?

When I was young...yes..shocking though it may seem, at one time I was young. Screw you. Anyway...I read many romances set in jolly olde England. they were usually historical romances...that comment is not just's VERY true. Anyway. My mother would get annoyed because I would take on the accent of what I read. I can't even begin to tell you how many times my poor mum had to suffer through being called "gov'na" for weeks at a time. And as to the aforementioned "mum", I called her that til her dying day.  For expediencies sake, lets skip ahead a bit, shall we? When I was at Uni (that's College for all you yanks), what do you reckon I studied? English Lit. Huge surprise, wot? Of course, it only fed my subconscious misconception that my ancestors had never sailed to the new country..from any continent that they had, indeed, sailed from. I had always been prone to the proper English spelling of things ie. "favour, flavour, honour, etc". But school simply cemented my opinion (right thinking). But then it got very odd. I began actually typing with an accent. I didn't say "Yes". I said "Aye". Same applies with "No" versus "Nay". I have to admit that any cut down given in British terminology gives me an added feeling of satisfaction., If somewhere in  said cut-down is the seemingly misplaced occurrence of the word "right", it only adds to the thrill of it. Let's have a couple examples, shall we?: "He was a right wanker, he was." "Without so much as a "How do you do?",  that right tosser cut in front of me in queue." See? Lovely, isn't it? So. Anyway. Back to the original question. Those that know me know of my extreme mixed heritage. While many...even most...would decide my eventual label based on skin colour... Could the fact that I type "colour" rather than "color" maybe put that mode of judgement into question? Can you know me by the colour of my skin or the way that I speak or the things that interest me or the places that my ancestors decided wasn't for them and so they came to this place so that they could simply (or brought here...lets not go there. American blacks are far better off than our African counterparts...not that that lets you crackers off the hook! Haven't got my forty acres, nor my mule, dammit!) I speak like a hick Brit. My skin colour is something that many order specifically at their local Starbucks every morning (cafe au lait, for those not paying attention). My likes and dislikes are so diverse that one would imagine that I would have to be European. So...I ask you.. Am I British, love? Whatever you decide.. Hello. I'm Noray. It's a right pleasure to meet you.

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